The 53rd Student Parliament consists of the following lists:
ZDF - Zusammenschluss Demokratischer Fachschaftler (5 Seats)
We are committed to the student councils and initiatives. They need the freedom and right framework conditions to be able to fulfil their tasks, but above all they need financial support.
You can reach us via Facebook ( and by email at
JHG - Juso Hochschulgruppe (4 Seats)
Would you like to join us? Just contact us directly or get in touch with us via DM.
Instagram: jusohsg.pb
GRÜN - Campusgrün (4 Seats)
We are responsive to the concerns of students, are in contact with other groups and organise events. In addition, we draw up a list of candidates for the student parliament and senate every year before the elections in order to represent our interests in the university committees.
We are committed to intersectional queer feminism, social participation, better mobility for students, more vegan and affordable food in the cafeteria, more democratic participation and transparency.
If you have any more ideas on how to improve student life on campus, you are very welcome to attend our regular meetings, just write or talk to us! Currently (as of 11/06/2024) we meet every Monday at 18:00 in the Grillcafe.
Instagram: campusgruenPB