The student parliament (StuPa) currently consists of 21 students from various groups and lists (similar to parliamentary groups in the Bundestag). It elects and monitors the AStA, determines the student body’s budget and decides on motions that affect students. In order to fulfill its tasks, the StuPa can set up committees. These normally consist of 7 people. One of these committees is the Budget Committee (HHA), which exists in every StuPa. The HHA is responsible for auditing the budget and financial statements.
For example, the StuPa is responsible for the semester ticket. On behalf of the StuPa, a member of the AStA (usually a transport officer) conducts negotiations with the various transport companies. The result of the negotiations is then presented to the StuPa. The StuPa then decides whether or not to accept the contracts.
The StuPa is also responsible for recognizing and de-recognizing student initiatives and project areas. The StuPa can provide them with money for their work or special projects.
StuPa meetings usually take place once a month and are always open to the public in accordance with the statutes. Note that these are usually in German.
The StuPa elections usually take place at the end of June or beginning of July. If you would like to find out about the lists available for election beforehand, simply attend one of the StuPa meetings.
Alternatively, you can get actively involved yourself: Join a list or start your own!
Information on the next meeting of the student parliament can be found here.
According to the statutes of the student body, every student can submit motions to the Presidium of the student parliament. You can simply use the application tool for this. If you have any questions about submitting an application, you can also write to